Futuro con "going to"


Cuando empleamos "going to"  en una oración para referirnos al futuro, la construcción se compone de tres elementos:
el verbo "to be" conjugado conforme al sujeto + "going" + el infinitivo del verbo principal

Prueba tu comprensión
Sujeto + to be (conjugado) + going + infinitivo
She is going to leave.
I am going to stay.
He is going to jog.
He is not going to jog.
Is he going to jog?
Interrogativa negativa
Isn't he going to jog?


El uso de "going to" para referirse a eventos futuros sugiere un vínculo muy sólido con el presente. El momento preciso no es relevante, es posterior al ahora, pero la actitud implica que dicho evento depende de algo que sabemos sobre la situación actual. "Going to" se emplea sobre todo para hablar de nuestros planes e intenciones, o para realizar predicciones basadas en evidencias actuales. En el discurso cotidiano, "going to" suele acortarse como "gonna", especialmente en inglés americano, aunque nunca se escribe así.

Uso de "going to" para referirse a planes e intenciones
  • Is Freddy going to buy a new car soon?
  • Are John and Pam going to visit Milan when they are in Italy?
  • I think Nigel and Mary are going to have a party next week.
  • We are going to have dinner together tomorrow.
  • Aren't you going to stay at the library until your report is finished?
Uso de "going to" para formular predicciones
  • He's going to be a brilliant politician.
  • I'm going to have a hard time falling asleep.
  • You're going to be sorry you said that.
  • Is it going to rain this afternoon?
  • Aren't they going to come to the party?

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